Good Morning!
First off, I would like to thank everyone for coming to the Welcome to Fusion Night celebration on Saturday. It was great to get to see everyone and to meet some of our new Fusion VBC Families! The season is now officially underway and I have several pieces of information for you in this update:
1. Welcome to Fusion Night video – Each year we have a Club Mantra that we talk about and strive to live up to. This year it is to “Stay Hungry” We have been very fortunate to have had success over the past 10 years but we are hungry to get better. Please take a look at the motivational video that I shared a clip from in regards to Staying Hungry…I shared the first 2 minutes, but this full 8 minute video is worth the time! Stay Hungry Video Link
2. We LOVED the family participation in the Jared Box Project and we were able to fill 155 boxes to be delivered to Holy Spirit Hospital for children to have to pass the time while in the hospital for treatment. I know that they will love the items and especially the empowering notes that the girls placed in each box. Thank You!
3. In the spirit of giving, a friend and fellow volleyball coach is coordinating a donation for those affected by the devastating tornados in Kentucky. We would like to help out by supplying donations to fill his trailer and would appreciate any and all help that you are able to provide.
Items will be collected at Camp Hill Sports Center M-F (5:00-8:00PM) and Sundays (10:00-8:00). They will be picked up and packed for delivery on 12/23 and then hand delivered to the Northside Church of Christ in Mayfield, KY on 12/26. The items of need are: hygiene products (deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, tissues, etc), cleaning products (sanitzer spray, chlorox wipes, etc) and baby products (diapers, wipes, etc). Please feel free pass this along to anyone that might be interested in helping.
4. Tourney Schedules – Here is the tournament schedule for each team this season. Please note that the schedules are available at on each team’s website calendar and also in PDF form under the forms/documents tab.

5. Holiday Practice schedule – NO FUSION VBC PRACTICES on Sunday 12/26. All other practices are available at coach discretion. Please note that we are aware that many will be out of town for the Holidays so just make sure that your coaches are aware.
6. Sports Psychology sessions – Our team sports psychology sessions will begin in January and will be scheduled around Sunday practices times. For those new to our program, Dr. Patricia Lally will provide workshops for our teams/players throughout the season that will help with the mental side of sport (and life). We will let you know of the session topics and dates in the coming days. This will be the 3rd year of sessions with Dr. Lally and the previous two have been very beneficial so we are excited to really step up the training for the girls this season!
7. Fundraising – We will be offering an R&K sub fundraiser this season for players to earn funds for their program fees. This is an individual fundraiser and all profit goes directly to the individual seller. The fundraiser is being coordinated by Melissa Wren-Black ( and Mindy Smith ( Please reach out to them with any specific questions. Here are the details and forms:
– Orders are due (with payment) by Sunday (1/2). Can be delivered to Camp Hill Sports Center (CHSC) at practice.
– Orders will arrive at CHSC on Sunday (1/9) at 11:00AM. Please note that this is the Fusion vs Ridgetop scrimmage day so each team will be at CHSC for their play which makes for easy pick-up
– Players will make $2.50 in profit for each sub/sandwich sold. These items are of great quality and packaged for both ready-to-eat or refrigerator storage.
– The order forms and amount-owed calculation sheets are attached and can be also be downloaded from forms/documents page at

7. Holiday Quads tourney – If you’re interested, get in soon as registrations are rolling in. We are still looking for some of the U17/18 teams to get in!

Thats all for now!